12 YouTube Video Ideas to Get You Started

12 YouTube Video Ideas to Get You Started

12 YouTube Video Ideas to Get You Started

YouTube is a social media platform that has captivated audiences worldwide. Although other platforms are also doing the rounds, YouTube stands right on top, unfaltering and undefeatable.

YouTube has caught the attention of marketers in no time. Businesses are widely using it for advertising their products and services. But mind you, YouTube is not just about games and fun.

It takes good effort to be successful on this platform. The meaning of success on this channel is being able to keep audiences engaged through interesting and fun videos. So, here are 12 YouTube video ideas to get you started on your journey of creating successful YouTube videos:

1. Keep Posting Videos on the Latest Trends Regularly

One of the best ways of growing an audience on the YouTube platform is by sharing content regularly. Offer value through your content and be consistent by posting on YouTube regularly. The best way is to post regular videos on current events and the latest trends.

2. Why Not Try Out Something Outrageous?

Most of the time, videos with shock value are exactly what you require to attract audiences on YouTube. Create YouTube content where you are doing something outrageous but not dangerous. This can be shaving your head or breaking your smartphone to see its contents.

3. Ask the Audience

It works to ask the audience directly about what they want to see. Create a video for YouTube where you ask your YouTube audiences and even the audiences on the other channels about their video preferences. This way, you will be drawing in new subscribers.

4. Try Live Streaming

This works on YouTube, considering that it is a video streaming platform. Live YouTube videos are one of the best ways of taking the viewers for a ride in real-time. It will further help you in building a rapport with your viewers. Try doing a live video of your experiences and answer the viewers’ questions right on the spot.

5. Audience Participation Videos

Create videos where you ask audiences to take part by sharing something with you. This can be anything – a video, a quote, or an image. Next, make a video of what the audiences share with you.

This is beneficial as the featured members of the audience will surely share the video with their family and friends. So, you will be right in front of new potential subscribers.

6. Try Out Storytelling Videos

Storytelling is one of the greatest powers in the world of content these days. Customers don’t just like to hear only about products and services. They even want to understand the way products can offer solutions to their problems.

Narrating personal stories in YouTube videos can help individuals living in certain situations. If you narrate a story the audiences empathize with, they will relate with you and thus be encouraged to spend money on your products and services.

7. Get a Guest

Try to co-create a video with another YouTuber or get a celebrity relevant to your niche. This will be one of the greatest ways of attracting a larger audience. But do not make the blunder of interviewing them in your video.

Try doing something together like singing a song, exploring a city, or brand new things to start on YouTube instantly. Since you will be recording random footage here, get the best video editor for YouTube videos to give your content a polished and professional appearance.

8. Work on Tips and Advice Videos

Tips videos are recommendations or insights recorded with just one individual speaking on camera and demonstrating something that can improve the customers’ lives. This can be anything on a business, professional, or personal level.

To succeed with these videos, think about tips that can make the audiences’ lives easier. This can involve sites, apps, behaviours, strategies, or creative ideas.

9. Product Announcement Videos

These videos aim to show the benefits and features of the latest product offering of a brand. Such videos are generally short and help audiences know exactly what they want to know.

Product showcase videos are effective in giving audiences a clear look at products. These can even include comparisons to competitors and older versions.

10. Q&A Videos

Messages and comments received on social media platforms or the video themselves can be used as ideas for such videos. The subject matter of these videos is reading the audiences’ questions and answering the same.

It is best to go for the most common questions that the consumers have. Just inform the consumers that you will be making a specific video to answer particular questions. Do not forget to create hashtags to make the videos more organized. This will also make it convenient for you to identify and sort the questions.

This strategy motivates other individuals to interact more with your brand and YouTube channel.

11. Testimonials

Testimonial videos help focus on the positive feedback received from the customer or the client and increase the shareability, credibility, and relatability of a brand. They provide not just social proof about the significance of a business but also an exclusive and different perspective on the products and services.

12. Webinar Videos

Webinar videos are visuals streamed live for promoting relevant content. Such videos are considered interesting, and they generate value for viewers as well. The only thing you need to do for such videos is select an interesting subject and talk about it for 20 or so minutes.

If you find the audience reacting to it positively, you can extend the stream. Do not pay attention to the length of the video but how you can use it to meet the audiences’ expectations.

When done correctly, webinars serve as powerful tools for establishing authority before an audience. So, go for them and establish your brand as an authentic one in the market. 


Proper research on keywords and topics that the audiences are interested in will help you get YouTube video creation ideas that work. Do not forget to optimize your videos for YouTube viewers and even for other search engines by adding relevant keywords to the titles.

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