What to do when your car breaks down: 10 expert tips

What to do when your car breaks down: 10 expert tips

What to do when your car breaks down: 10 expert tips

Uh-oh, car trouble ahead? Don’t panic! We’ve all been there – that sinking feeling when your trusty car decides to take an unexpected break. But fear not, because help is here! In this quick guide, we’re going to spill the beans on how to handle a car breakdown like a pro. 

No jargon, no fuss – just plain and simple advice that anyone can follow. Whether you’re a gearhead or just someone who loves their four-wheeled buddy, these 10 expert tips will have you back on the road in no time. Let’s dive in and decode the mystery of car breakdowns together!

Stay Calm and Safe

When your car decides to take an unexpected break, the first rule is: stay calm and collected. It’s like a little road bump, but you’ve got this! Remember, keeping a cool head is key. Now, here’s what you need to do:

  • Stay Calm and Composed: Take a deep breath. Panicking won’t help. Staying calm helps you think clearly and make smart decisions.
  • Move to Safety: Gently guide your car to the side of the road, like finding a cosy spot for a quick rest. The shoulder of the road is your friend.
  • Turn on Hazard Lights: Think of these as your car’s emergency blinkers. They’ll let other drivers know you need a hand, and it’s a signal to everyone to give you a bit of space.

Remember, staying calm is the steering wheel to safety when your car has a mind of its own. Staying calm allows you to make the right decision even in the case of constant breakdowns and repairs. You can take the decision of permanently getting rid of that vehicle through services like damaged car removal, as these services will tow away that damaged car and pay you instantly. 

Call for Help

When you find yourself stuck on the side of the road, it’s time to make that phone your best friend. Here’s what to do:

  • Dial up roadside assistance or a towing service using your phone.
  • Make sure to give them exactly where you are so they can hurry to the rescue.
  • Tell a friend or family member what’s happening, so they’re in the loop and can offer a helping hand.

See, it’s like having your own personal pit crew!

Evaluate the Issue

Let’s play detective under the hood! If you know a bit about cars, give it a shot – try to figure out what’s wrong. But if you’re not sure, no worries! It’s like asking a pro for help. Here’s the deal:

  • If you recognize the issue and know what to do, go for it.
  • If you’re not sure, don’t tinker around – it might make things worse.
  • When in doubt, let a car expert take the lead. They’ll sort it out safely. Your ride’s in good hands!

Pop the Hood (Bonnet) Safely

Ready to get hands-on? Popping the hood (or bonnet) might seem like a car magician’s trick, but it’s simpler than you think. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Signal for Help: If you feel confident, go ahead and pop the hood. It’s like waving a flag to show you need assistance.
  • Watch Out for Heat: Be careful! When you lift the hood, there could be steam or heat. Imagine a cup of hot cocoa – but hotter!
  • Hands Off, Please: The engine might have some hot and moving parts. So, keep your hands where everyone can see them and avoid touching anything that looks like it could do a little dance.

Got it? Pop that hood, but stay cool, and keep those hands safe from hot stuff!

Stay Visible

When your car decides to take a timeout on the road, it’s essential to make sure others can see you. Here’s how:

  • Place reflective triangles or use flares around your car. These simple things make your car light up like a star and tell others to steer clear.
  • This is super important, especially if your car decides to play possum at night or when it’s hard to see due to tricky weather.

So, remember, triangles and flares turn you into a road superstar, helping everyone keep their distance and ensuring you stay safe.

Be Wary of Strangers

We all know the kindness of strangers, but when your car breaks down, it’s time to be a bit cautious. While some folks might genuinely offer help, it’s smart to be careful. Here’s what to remember:

Helpful Hearts, Watchful Eyes: Some people really do want to assist, and that’s wonderful. Just be a little watchful, especially if you’re alone.

Polite Refusals: If a stranger offers help, thank them kindly but decline. It’s safer to wait for the pros who know how to fix cars properly. Your safety matters!

Stay smart, and let the experts handle the car trouble.

Stay In the Vehicle

When your car decides to call it quits on a busy road, your car becomes your safe haven. It’s like your own cosy island amidst the chaos. Here’s why:

  • Safety Zone: Imagine the road as a bustling river, and your car as a strong boat. Staying in the car is like holding onto that boat – it’s safer than trying to swim through the current.
  • Locked Doors, Up Windows: Just like you lock your home’s doors to keep out unwelcome visitors, lock your car doors too. Keep the windows up, especially if you’re flying solo. It’s your shield from the outside world.

Remember, your car is your shelter. Stay put, lock up, and let the experts steer you back to smooth sailing.

Stay Warm (or Cool)

When your car unexpectedly takes a timeout, the weather might not always play nice. Here’s how to keep your cool (or stay toasty):

  • If it’s hotter than a summer day, keep the AC humming. If it’s colder than snowy, warm up with the heater.
  • Comfort matters, but be smart – save gas if you’re in for a wait.

Have Essentials On Hand

When it comes to being ready for the unexpected, having a stash of essentials in your car can be a real lifesaver. Whether you’re on a long journey or just a quick spin, having the right items at hand can make a big difference.

  • Emergency Kit Essentials: To stay ready for those surprise breakdowns, make sure you’ve got an emergency kit in your car. Fill it up with things you might need like water, snacks, a basic first aid kit, and a trusty flashlight.
  • Preparedness Matters: Having these essentials on hand means you’re ready for any twists and turns the road might throw at you. It’s like having a safety net in your trunk, ensuring you’re not caught off guard.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing you’ve got these basics ready to go can bring a sense of calm in tense situations. No more worrying about being stuck without supplies – you’ve got it covered!
  • Always have contact details: In such a situation, you may not be able to run somewhere so you should have essential contact details like mechanics, car towing companies, and alternatively Cash for cars Sydney, when it comes to sell your car on the spot. 

Learn Basic Car Maintenance

Taking care of your car is essential to keep it running smoothly. Here are two simple steps to help you learn basic car maintenance:

  1. Check fluid levels, tire pressure, and brakes on a regular basis. Doing this simple task will prevent costly breakdowns. Ensure that your oil, brake fluid, and coolant levels are up to par. Keep an eye on your tire pressure and brake pads as well.
  1. Knowing some basic car maintenance skills will help you identify and fix minor problems before they turn into bigger issues. Basic maintenance skills, like changing a flat tire or replacing wiper blades, can save you time and money.
  1. Learning these skills will also make you more self-sufficient, and give you confidence when you’re out on the road.

By taking the time to learn basic car maintenance, you’ll keep your vehicle running efficiently, avoid expensive repairs, and be safer on the road.


In conclusion, these 10 expert tips can be life-saving when you find yourself stranded due to a car breakdown. It’s important to stay calm, ensure your safety, and be prepared with emergency supplies. With the help of these tips, you can navigate the situation and hopefully get your car up and running again quickly. Remember, always prioritise your safety and the safety of others on the road.

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